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The programmed turnoff a chemical plant for it's maintenance after regular interval of time is called Turnaround where as unexpected turnoff of a chemical plant due to some unknown problem is called shutdown.

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M.Tauseef Awan


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Q: What is the difference between turnaround and shutdown?
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What does Claims turnaround time mean?

A customer submits their claim form with estimates, photos, invoices etc. on a certain date. After processing, at a later date the claim is settled. The time difference between receiving and settling the claim is the turnaround time.

What is the difference between shutdown and restart?

AnswerI think. the difference is when you restart. (ex: a computer.) the systems is half awake. like some virtual memory' though eventually coming to shutting down and running again. in shutdown of course, it will gradually coming to a stop. all of the system itself. (only if you choose shutdown/restart from windows scroll bar.)

What are turnaround time and response time with reference to Operating System?

Turnaround time is the interval between the submission of a job and its completion. Response time is the interval between submission of a request, and the first response to that request.

What is the difference between SDV and ESDV?

The construction and accessories of Shutdown Valve (SDV) and Emergency Shutdown Valve (ESDV) are similar. What is the basis to distinguish their name? Their name is distinguished only from their services. Shutdown Valve referred to actuated valve which is closed during partial or total process shutdown of system to which the valve protects. Emergency Shutdown Valve is actuated valve which is closed when triggered by signal from ESD level signal during emergency condition occurs. Emergency Shutdown Valves are commonly located in incoming line and outgoing line of the plant or platform.

What is the estimated turnaround time calculated by the turnaround time calculator for this project?

The estimated turnaround time calculated by the turnaround time calculator for this project is 5 days.

When was The Turnaround created?

The Turnaround was created on 1963-03-07.

When was L.A. Turnaround created?

L.A. Turnaround was created in 1974-09.

What does the Turnaround Management Association do?

The Turnaround Management Association is a company that manages struggling and failing companies. The Turnaround Management Association focuses on mainly UK companies.

Why is shutdown -1 not working on my PC?

Shutdown -1 is not a correct command for shutting down. Open a command line... Start >> Run... >> cmd >> ENTER Then type: shutdown /h (shutdown) shutdown /r (restart) shutdown /l (log off) shutdown /? (more info on shutdown)

What is the difference between a closed and shutdown socket?

difference is the shutdoun means when client shutdown its own side after sending last fin ack.....without concerning abt the last data packet.and close is the proper terimation b/w both client and server.....server close the connection after sending last data packet.the main close function come into point with tcp 3 way termination process

Where could a person find a business turnaround plan?

One can find a business turnaround plan at Michigan Turnaround Plan's website. Additionaly, one can also find a turnaround plan at Hewlett-Packard, which would be run under Meg Whitman.

When I shutdown my laptop it doesn't shutdown anyone can help?

Take out the battery and it will shutdown.