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Q: What is the difference between threatury bill and theatury certificate?
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What is the different between license certificate and registration in health care?

The difference between license certificate and registration certificate, is that, license certificate can be acquired through graduating and taking special examination. While registration certificate, relates to certificate in getting for example; business.

What is major difference between masters degree and masters certificate?

The certificate does not meet the course nor credit requirements of the master's degree.

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certificate shows you can actually perform the task and license allows you to legally perform it on someone.

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usually the weight of aircraft your can fly

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Careers are usually tied to a degree or a certificate.

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The difference is that a course completion certificate specifically designates that the recipient has finished all course requirements. A provisional certificate is given for a set period of time to someone who is within a certain time frame of completing the requirements, but has yet to actually complete them.

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IT Certificate: A document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts IT Certification: The act or process of gaining a certificate or other measure or proof of accomplishing the set requirements.

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DD214 is the discharge form. DD256 is the discharge certificate.

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Good day Dear Sir/Madame, Could you please answer the follwoing Qauestion. What is the difference between I.M.F Fund Clearance Certificate and I.M.F Declaration Fund Certificae Kind Regards M.Miqdad M. Ashraf

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What is the Difference between Paralegal AA and certificate?

The certificate does no meet the credit or course requirements of the degree, which typically means it is shorter in time. Each has its purpose depending on the needs of the individual student. Some individual already have an existing degree, thus opt for the certificate program.

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