The Canadian dollar and US dollar have been roughly at par for the last several years. Currently, a Canadian dollar is worth 99 cents in United States currency.
1 US dollar is equal to .9843 Canadian dollar.
dollar =54 ruppes
The basic unit of currency in Canada is the Canadian dollar. The symbol for the Canadian dollar is $ or C$ and the code is CAD.
The Canadian Dollar
The prices are based on the value of the Canadian dollar against other currencies. The value of the U.S. dollar has dropped a lot this year, therefore the difference between Canadian prices and U.S. prices is no longer as pronounced as it was a few years ago.
The Canadian dollar and US dollar have been roughly at par for the last several years. Currently, a Canadian dollar is worth 99 cents in United States currency.
1 US dollar is equal to .9843 Canadian dollar.
The Euro is the currency of the European Union and the Canadian dollar is the currency of Canada. On March 6, 2015, one Euro was equal to $1.37 in Canadian currency. The conversion varies, so to get the latest conversion it's best to use a currency converter, which are available online.
dollar =54 ruppes
The basic unit of currency in Canada is the Canadian dollar. The symbol for the Canadian dollar is $ or C$ and the code is CAD.
The Canadian dollar (CAD).
Canadian dollar was created in 1858.
One Canadian dollar is equal to 0.92 United States dollars. One United States dollar is equal to 1.08 Canadian dollars.
i dont think there is
The bird on the Canadian dollar is called a loon.
A dollar, this is the Canadian currency as well, a dollar.