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dollar =54 ruppes

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Q: What is the difference between dollar and rupee?
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What is difference between one rupee note and two rupee note?

one rupee

How much is 1 dollars in Indian rupee?

This depends on what dollar 1 US Dollar in Indian Rupee is 63.60 1 Australian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 50.32 1 Barbardian in Indiian Rupee is 31.98 1 Bahamian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 64.01 1 Canadian Dollar in Indian Rupee is 51.04 1 New Zealand Dollar in Indian Rupee is 46.15

What is the conversion of a dollar to a rupee?

Exchange rate is the converter of dollar into a rupee.

What is indias dollar name?

A rupee.

Value of Australian dollar coin in Indian ruppes?

The conversion rate between the Australian dollar and the Indian rupee is one Australian dollar to 56.42 rupees. One rupee equals 0.02 Australian dollars.

What is the difference between a one rupee note and a ten rupee note?

The main difference is the denomination value printed on the note - one rupee note has a value of one rupee whereas a ten rupee note has a value of ten rupees. Additionally, the design, size, and color of the notes are also different to help easily differentiate between the two denominations.

What is the value of the rupee compared to the dollar?

Today, feb. 8 2008 one dollar has the value of 39.615 rupees. It also depends on what rupee you are talking about. Is it the Indian rupee or the Pakistani rupee?

What is the value of 20 paise?

one fifth of a rupee. There are 53.7 rupee to a dollar, and 100 paise to a rupee.

How much is today's American dollar in rupee?

One dollar is equal to 46.19 Indian Rupee, 83.48 Pakistani Rupee, and 114.38 Sri Lankan Rupee

Impact of the fluctuation in the rupee-dollar exchange rate on Indian industry?

i wnat to know about the impact of dollar rupee exchange on Indian industry i wnat to know about the impact of dollar rupee exchange on Indian industry

How much is an One dollar is equal to Indian rupee?

Currently, 1 US Dollar equals 64.14 Indian Rupee.

What is the exchange rate Rupee to dollar?

As of December 21st, 2008... The exchange rate of a Indian Rupee to a U.S Dollar is... 1 U.S dollar=4702.5 Indian Rupees