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Hypertext is a kind of interactive text some computer programs feature that allow you click on it to go to a different page or file, usually to give you more information about that word or phrase you clicked on. Hypertext is one of the most common features of the World Wide Web (the programming language Hypertext Markup Language is named after it), and it is often in blue and underlined. Conversely, unhyperlinked text doesn't take you anywhere when you click on it.

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Text refers to written or printed words that are static and linear in nature, while hypertext includes links that allow users to navigate between different pieces of text or multimedia content. Hypertext provides a non-linear way to access information, enabling users to jump to related topics or resources easily.

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What are the difference between text and hypotext?

Hypertext is text that has been marked up with tags to indicate its structure. Hypertext also, by definition, is capable of linking between separate documents using "hyperlinks." Plain text is not capable of this.

What is the difference betweeen hypertext and hypermedia?

Hypertext - Hypertext is basically the same as regular text - it can be stored, read, searched, or edited - with an important exception: hypertext is text with pointers to other text. The browsers let you deal with the pointers in a transparent way -- select the pointer, and you are presented with the text that is pointed to.Hypermedia - Hypermedia is a superset of hypertext. Hypermedia documents contain links not only to other pieces of text, but also to other forms of media - sounds, images, and movies. Images themselves can be selected to link to sounds or documents. This means that browsers might not display a text file, but might display images or sound or animations. Hypermedia simply combines hypertext and multimedia.

Hypertext is text that has?

This is a broad question and can be narrowed down by what hypertext is and why it is useful. See the related questions of this question for "What is hypertext?" and "Why is hypertext useful?"

What is hypertext referred to as?

Hypertext is refered as the linked text. This text is used for linking the stuff to other pages.

How is hyper text similar to the term link?

Hypertext is also a kind of link in HTML. The link established on text is called hypertext.

Is HTTP is a software protocol?

Hypertext is the software language commonly used to write websites, Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the application protocol used to exchange hypertext between devices.

What is the difference between hypertext and hyperlink?

A hyperlink is a little piece of text or an image that, when clicked, navigates your web browser to a different location. Hypertext is a language (usually called HTML or HyperText Markup Language) that is streamed over the internet (via HTTP otherwise known as the HyperText Transfer Protocol) to a user - ie it is the language that most web pages, including the one you are on now, are written in.

What does hyper text mean in HTTP?

Hypertext is a multi-linear set of objects, building a network by using logical links (the so called hyperlinks) between the nodes (e.g. text or words). HTTP is the protocol to exchange or transfer hypertext.see:

On a Web page what is text that contains a link to other text called?

HyperText, which is text with a HyperLink, or font color

What is a hypertext link and how can you identiry one on a webpage?

A hypertext link can be easily identified on a webpage. A link text will be underlined and blue in color.

What is non linear hypertext?

Nonlinear hypertext is the link embedded in online text that enables readers to follow their own path through the content.

How do you take out the hypertext protocol?

You can take out a hyper text protocol by taking out anchor tag. It causes the hyperlink on the text.