in terms of their use
In text mode your options will be limited to fonts, sizes, and colors; in graphic mode you should have more Paint-like options.
The TextBox class is a Screen that allows the user to enter and edit text whereas A TextField is an editable text component that may be placed into a Form.
Insert allows to insert new text into existing text, without deleting the existing text. Overwrite writes overthe existing text with the new text.For example, if my cursor was at the beginning of the word "apple", and I typed "bad", then in insert mode I would now have the text "badapple", but in overwrite mode I would have the text "badle".
GUI is a Graphical User Interface, which is for making "Windowed" Applications. The CLI is a Command-Line Interface, which is a text prompt in which you can enter specific commands to be executed.
[object Object]
in terms of their use
a number text can be inserted in front of a word and the outline number text can be inserted under the number text
A numbered list has only one level. An outline list has multiple nested levels to support outlining.
Standard numbered text puts numbers in front of text like 1, 2, 3 etc. Outline numbering gives sections, like in a legal or structured document, so things like 1.1 and 1.2 or 1.A and 1.B, before moving on to 2 and so on.
Standard numbered text puts numbers in front of text like 1, 2, 3 etc. Outline numbering gives sections, like in a legal or structured document, so things like 1.1 and 1.2 or 1.A and 1.B, before moving on to 2 and so on.
Outlined text is used in more structured situations, like where a part of a document has sections and sub-sections, like in a legal document or formal reports. Main headings or paragraphs might be numbered and have further smaller paragraphs. So you might have section 1 and within the a 1.1 and 1.2 and so on. They may just be indented and use bullets instead of numbers. Parts that are indented, giving the outlining effect. Numbered text is usually just simple lists with no sub-sections, though it can be used that way. This is where outlined and numbered text can be similar, as already mentioned. So you can have outlined text that is numbered or simpler documents with lists in it.
With numbered chunks of text each accompanied by an image
In a password or a email ...