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<P>The stimulus frequency is how often the stimulus is admitted. For example, every 30 seconds, every minute and 1/2, etc.

<P>Stimulus strength describes the level of force used to administer the stimulus such as mild, moderate or maximum.</P>

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9mo ago

Stimulus frequency refers to the rate at which stimuli are presented, while stimulus strength refers to the intensity or magnitude of a stimulus. In other words, stimulus frequency is how often a stimulus occurs, whereas stimulus strength is how strong or intense that stimulus is.

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Q: What is the difference between stimulus frequency and stimulus strength?
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What is the law of frequency?

The law of frequency states that the more frequently a stimulus is presented, the stronger the association will be between the stimulus and the response. This concept is commonly used in psychology and behavior studies to understand how repetition influences learning and memory. Essentially, the more often something is experienced or encountered, the more likely it is to be remembered or learned.

What is the difference between absolute threshold and difference threshold?

The absolute threshold is the minimum amount of stimulus needed to detect it 50% of the time. Difference threshold, on the other hand, is the minimum amount of change in a stimulus needed to detect a difference. In essence, absolute threshold is about detecting a stimulus, while difference threshold is about detecting a change in a stimulus.

Why there is a difference in phase between sign waves in a low pass filter?

In a low pass filter, higher frequency components are attenuated more than lower frequency components. This results in a phase shift for the different frequency components, causing a difference in the phase between sine waves of different frequencies. This phase shift occurs because the filter delays higher frequency signals more than lower frequency signals.

What is the difference between an absolute threshold and a just noticeable difference?

An absolute threshold is the smallest amount of stimulation needed for a sensation to be detected, while a just noticeable difference is the smallest detectable difference between two stimuli. In other words, the absolute threshold is about detecting the presence of a stimulus, while the just noticeable difference is about discriminating between two stimuli.

What Is The Difference Between Frequency and Magnitude?

Frequency refers to how often something occurs within a given time interval, typically measured in hertz (Hz). Magnitude, on the other hand, refers to the strength or level of something, often measured on a numerical scale. In the context of signals, frequency indicates how many cycles occur in a unit of time, while magnitude represents the amplitude or intensity of the signal.

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The FREQUENCY of action potentials that are conducted into the central nervous system serves as the code for the strength of the stimulus. This frequency code is needed because the amplitude of action potentials is constatnt (all or none). Acting through changes in action potential frequency, tonic receptors thus provide information about the relative intensity of a stimulus.

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the difference is that, stimuli is the plural of stimulus; that is stimuli is feelings while stimulus is feeling.

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AM means Amplitude(=height) modulation, so the frequency stays the same and the message is coded into variations of the strength of the signal. FM stands for Frequency modulation. Here the strength of the signal stays the same and the message is coded into changes in frequency instead.

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Frequency has a 'Q' in it.

Difference between stimulus and response?

A stimulus is a change in an organism's surroundings or body which causes it to respond. Hence, a response is an organism's reaction to a specific stimulus.

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The difference between an external stimulus and an internal stimulus is that an external stimulus is a stimulus that comes from outside an organism. But an internal stumulus is a stimulus that comes from inside an organism. An example for an external stimulus can be that when you are cold, you put on a jacket. An example for an internal stimulus is that when you feel hungry, you eat food.

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The central nervous system (CNS) determines the strength of a stimulus based on the frequency and number of action potentials generated by sensory neurons in response to the stimulus. Stronger stimuli result in a higher frequency and more action potentials being sent to the CNS, signaling a stronger stimulus. This information is then processed and interpreted by the CNS to generate an appropriate response.