If you are taliking about in a training programme,
say you have a six week training programme...
overload: making each training session subsequently harder by increasing intensity or duration
progression: making the programme harder from the beginning to the end
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the differecne is that overload means to much overuse means that you use it to much.
Variation (Based on Educere Schooling Website)
Progressive Overload
Interlaced, not interface. Interlaced scans every second line. Progressive does not.
Rest and recovery Individual needs Progressive overload Specificity reversibility
due to the extension of loads they are using the relays for protection.........
The progressive overload principle is all about working your body harder than what you would normaly would so that you are putting enough stress on the body to make improvements but its about finding the right intensity so that you do not sustain any injuries.
The progressive overload principle is all about working your body harder than what you would normaly would so that you are putting enough stress on the body to make improvements but its about finding the right intensity so that you do not sustain any injuries.
The basic is progressive overload and eating in a caloric surplus.
The similarities of traditional and progressive schools is that both follow core curriculum. The difference between traditional and progressive schools is that the curriculum is taught at the students own pace.
Information poverty is a lack of information, so having too little information, whereas information overload is the opposite, thus having too much information.
progressive overload