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Oscillatory motion is also called vibratory motion while periodic motion is a motion which is repeat itself after a specific interval. Periodic motion may be rotatory or vibratory.

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Q: What is the difference between oscillation and periodic motion?
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Damped (or free) oscillation occurs when an object is set to vibrate at its natural frequency while forced oscillation involves the application of a force to keep an object in constant or repetitive motion.

What is the Difference between periodic motion and rotational motion?

rotational motion is the motion which always take circular path.Periodic motion means motion that repeats with the same inter-well of rotation is an eg. of rotational motion, at the same time it is a periodic motion.

How do you use periodic functions in oscillation?

Many oscillations are simple harmonic motions and such motion can be represented by a sine (or equivalently, cosine) curve.

What is the example of oscillation?

Motion of pendulum.

What is the difference between periodic motion and oscillatory motion?

The word oscillatory refers to something that moves back and forth repeatedly. The word periodic refers to something that repeats after a regular amount of time. While oscillatory motion will almost certainly be periodic, not all periodic motion will be oscillatory.A common example is the orbit of the earth around the sun. A complete orbit takes roughly 365 days and therefore this is a periodic motion. However, cannot be said to be oscillatory.It may help to think of oscillatory motion as a certain type of periodic motion, much as a square is a certain type of rectangle.

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What is the difference between uniform motion and periodic motion?

Uniform motion: velocity doesn't change. Periodic motion: velocity changes all the time in a uniform, repeated way. This is most often seen inorbitring and the like, when the change of velocity is a change in direction (and also speed) and the object eventually returns to (roughly) the same place in space.

What is a oscillation?

an arc like motion back, and forth.

What type of motion is there in a bouncing ball?

It is damped oscillation.

What is the difference between flow and motion?

the difference between flow and motion is well flow is like floating and motion is the way you move