In our era , we have machines that help us do the housework, and hard work in factories and on constructions. The life expectance is higher because medicine has developed, and we can make all the tools used in operations sterile, infant mortality got lower, we do not have big epidemics, we can have vaccination against the previously fatal infections, we have a lot of different kinds of media, so we are better-informed, we can travel the world by plane in som ehours, we had landed on the Moon and on the Mars, data processing helps our researchers in every field of science, Catholic Europe freed itself from Church dogmas, thinking is free, people have unalienable rights as well as the right to choose the government and the right for a fair trial. Unfortunately there are still some areas of the earth that did not change radically - femine, epidemics, Dictatorship, low living standards, slavery exist.
There are many difference between modern life and old life. Some differences are the technology, automobiles, airplanes, television, Cable Television, and modern medicine.
There is a big difference between modern day watches and older watches. Specifically, older watches were usually of a better quality because they were made with nicer materials. New watches tend to be made of cheap parts that fall apart after a short period of time.
Old fashioned
Old Norse refers to the language. Norse refers to the people.
A legend is an old story that is not always proven to be true. History is true information that definitely happened.
Sometimes very dull, a historic fact is what really happened while a historic myth is lore. A story that is so old that generations of persons believe the lore to be true.
what differnce between the old and the modern english
difference between modern and traditional banking is
old markets not well roofed but modern market are air conditioned
old markets not well roofed but modern market are air conditioned
old markets not well roofed but modern market are air conditioned
ones old and ones new
no one cares
the difference is : traditional - it was like old building, with always brown in colour. modern - it was something to do with technology and new idea
The difference between a modern day sewing machine and an olden day sewing machine is the modern day sewing machines are powered by electric and not done by hand.
airplanebuscarcanoedonkeyexpresswayferryfreewaygliderhot air balloonhorseinflatable raftjetpackkayaklorrymotorcyclenaval fleetoxenpalanquinrocketsubwaytaxiunicyclevanwaterwayyachtzeppelinZipline
there is a wide variety of change as the technology keeps on changing .
Modern communication is online communication ? A film about today internet millionaires and entrepreneurs.