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When a cell is placed in a hypotonic solution, water will enter the cell. This is called lysis. When a cell is placed in a hypertonic solution, water will leave the cell (causing it to shrink). This is called plasmolysis.

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Q: What is the difference between lysis and plasmolysis?
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What is the difference between lysis and lysate?

Lysate is all the material formed by the lysis of cells. Lysis is the disintegration or destruction of cells.

Can animal cells undergo plasmolysis?

Animal cells undergo lysis, and plant cells undergo plasmolysis. Lysis occurs when a plant cell explodes due to too much pressure on the inside, and plasmolysis occurs when the vacuole of a plant cell shrinks away from the cell wall due to lack of water.

What is the difference between cytolysis and plasmolysis?

plasmolysis- is the separation of plant cell cytoplasm from the cell wall as a result of water loss.cytolysis-the bursting or rupturing of cell membrane when the cell can no longer contain the excessive inflow of water (or extracellular fluid).

What is the difference between plasmolysis and haemolysis pls its urgent i need it by the end of the week. thanks?

This is homework and Wiki won't help you cheat. Time to open the book, get the notes, and find the answer.

What happens to the volume of the cytoplasm during plasmolysis?

The volume of cytoplasm reduces during plasmolysis

What does plasmolysis explain?

Plasmolysis contraction of the protoplasm in a living cell when water is removed by exosmosis. The process in which cells lose water in a hypertonic solution.

Suffix meaning setting free?


What is concave plasmolysis?

cancave plasmolysis ar always irreversible and convex ar usually reversible.

When was Dismorphia lysis created?

Dismorphia lysis was created in 1869.

When was Villa Lysis created?

Villa Lysis was created in 1905.

The shrinking of a plant cell membrane away from the cell wall when placed in a hypertonic solution is called?

The shrinking of a plant cell membrane away from the cell wall when placed in a hypertonic solution is plasmolysis