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A lump sum contract is an agreement to make a one time payment for goods and services as specified by the purchaser in the agreement. A turnkey contract is an agreement to deliver a completed ready to use service or project without any specifications made by the purchaser.

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Q: What is the difference between lump sum contract and turnkey contract?
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What is the difference between a lump sum and annuity?

The difference between a lump sum and annuity is, lump some you get a anywhere between half or 3 quarters of the money. An annuity is where you will get a certain amount of money for a certain amount of years.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a turnkey contract?

A turnkey contract is one in which an independent agent agrees to furnish materials and labor to finish a project and then turn it over to the owner for a fixed price. Advantages for the business owner: No outlay of cash until the project is done. Advantages for the one making the project: Gets a lump sum payment when the project is turned over to the owner. Disadvantages for the owner: Trusting someone else to deliver a quality project. Disadvantages for the maker of the project: Outlay of cash for materials at the start.

What is a turnkey contract?

In turn key contract, the contractor is entrusted to design, construct, commission & handover the project to the employer. The employer will make the lump-sum payment to the contractor at the different stages of work as per the agreement. This type of contract is useful when the work has to be completed at a very short period. The whole risk is borne by the contractor.

What is the difference between lump and cyst?

Lump is cluster of same category of things (may be lumps of cysts) but cyst is singular number sac structure grown abnormally.

What is the difference between a lump and a bump?

A lump usually refers to a mass or swelling beneath the skin, commonly due to tissue growth or inflammation. On the other hand, a bump is a raised area on the skin that can be caused by various factors such as injury or insect bites. Essentially, a lump is a more generalized term for any abnormal growth or swelling, while a bump is more specific to a raised area on the skin.

What are the Differences between woodlouse and garden slug?

The difference is that the woodlouse is fat lump and the garden slug is thin and slimy.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of Lump Sum Contract?

the advantage is that you get to walk around with a lump and the diavantages is that some people might think you have cancer or a tumour.

What is the difference between lump sum settlements and an annuity?

Lump sum refers to money that is paid in full up front typically from a settlement. Annuity settlements are when the payments are made over time in installments.

What is the difference between provident fund and pension fund?

The difference between a pension fund and provident fund is in how the benefits are paid out. A provident fund pays all he retirement benefits in a lump sum cash benefit at retirement. A pension fund pays one third of the benefit as a lump sum at retirement and the rest is paid out over the lifetime of the beneficiary.

What is a disadvantage of lump sum contract?

It's hard to say without more information but, in general, you may lose a lot more to taxes if you take a lump sum.

What is a pre-nup?

Prenup is the term for a legal contract drawn up between two people before they marry that specifies what will happen if the marriage beaks up. Prenups usually deal with financial matters such as lump sum settlements or spousal maintenance payments.