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Leave means it is with prior approval or intimation whether u were entitled for salary for that day or not and absent will mark for that day when without prior approval or intimation u were not in the office for the whole day

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Q: What is the difference between leave and absent?
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If one runs away from the army he is --------- without leave?

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What is the difference between holiday and leave?

There is no difference.

Can the Civil War soldiers get out of the army after the war?

yes if you get a absent with leave ticket but you will be shot if you are absent without leave.

What is the difference between AWOL and LWOP?

AWOL stands for Absent Without Leave and refers to an unauthorized absence from work. LWOP stands for Leave Without Pay, where an employee is granted time off from work without receiving pay. AWOL is considered a violation of workplace rules, while LWOP is an approved leave of absence.

What is the acronym of absent without leave?


What does 'awol' mean?

Absence Without Official Leave (US military)

Why are you absent without official leave?

People are absent from their jobs without official leave all of the time. Some excuses that people give for being absent are, that their car broke down, sick, or over slept.

What is the difference between apologies and absent in minutes?

Apologies: someone who can't make the meeting and informs the host prior to the meeting. Absent: someone who doesn't attend the meeting and did not let the host know.

What does AWOL stand for?

The military acronym means "Absent With Out Leave". This is sometimes differentiated as AOL (Absent Over Leave) when the intent of the violation is unclear.It is a term that refers to members of the military who are not at their post. Quite simply, they have not received permission to leave but have done so anyway.

What does the abbreviation AWOL mean?

Absent WithOut Leave

What does AWOL acronym stand for?

absent without leave