JQuery is a Javascript code library that helps you do dynamic changes to your website.
Ajax has the same idea, but more used to make dynamic changes to your website to and from a database.
They really go hand and hand.
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you can fetch the content of DOM nodes via AJAX calls - google "jquery ajax" for that
No[Priti] : Yes JQuery helps in this. Please refer link Jquery Flip. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.>>>Yes you can but the easiest way is to just rotate it on gimp or any photo viewer and save it
Web technologies related to the interface between web servers and their clients. So there are a large number of interfaces available these days. A few of them are: CGI Perl PHP Jquery & AJAX Struts2 (MVC 2 Arch.) JSP ASP ASPX and various others...
Javascript allows client-side validation, modifying the designs on css files and also with ajax and jquery allows dynamic exchange of data between client and server. Database, XML files data can be retrieved by use of AJAX dynamically. It also allows manipulation of objects via JSON
If you know jquery it will help to write javascript easily to accomplish, what is needed. There should not be any difficulties because the form is inside a ajax tab. if you will write on $(document).ready(function(){ // here all validation should work })
JavaScript is a scripting language that is mainly used within a web browser. Jquery is a library of javascript code that can be used together with your javascript program. A set of functions that can preform common tasks is provided, which will reduce the amount of code that you have to write yourself.
jQuery is like JavaScript, you can code inside your html file using the <script> tag. Or you can use an include tag and call an external sheet with your jQuery code.
Unfortunately I am not specialst in AjaX, but I can advice you these online tutorials:php tutorials. There are many articles about php, AjaX and interaction between AjaX and PHP in whole.
41 mins drive from ajax to Toronto
JQuery was created on 2006-08-26.
JQuery UI was created in 2006.
Kris Borchers is the main developer for jQuery.