An incision is the deliberate cut that is performed into the body tissues to gain access to deeper structures whereas excision is the removal of tissues as therapeutic approach.
The difference between incision and excision of lymph nodes is very simple. The incision of a lymph node is when the biopsy only takes part of the lymph node during surgery. The excision of the lymph node is when the whole lymph node is removed.
the primary difference is extent
Hemithyrodectomy is Lobectomy + isthmus excision
it might be excision as that meant out process.
Incision is a cut or penetration made by a sharp edge. Abrasion is a scrape or friction wound.
Both suffixes refer to surgical procedures, with "-ectomy" indicating the removal of a body part (e.g., tonsillectomy for removal of tonsils) and "-otomy" indicating an incision into a body part without necessarily removing it (e.g., tracheotomy for creating an opening in the windpipe).
no it isn't. a surgical excision into a muscle is called myotomy. Myectomy is surgical removal of a muscle.
The primary difference is extent.
"ostomy" is surgically creating a hole in the body. "otomy" is surgical incision
it is a incision for appendicectomy , similar to right paramedian and difference is rectus muscle is retracted medially in battle incision.
U would make an incision then excise the tissue u were taking for biopsy - in meaning to go in, ex meaning to take out eg. Insert - to put in, exit - to go out. NB. I am not certain but believe biopsies are mostly done via laproscopic methods now so no cut (incision) would be necessary.x
tympanotomy- where you make a hole in the tympanic membrane. myringotomy- where you give an incision on the tympanic membrane which heals within days.