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"ostomy" is surgically creating a hole in the body.

"otomy" is surgical incision

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Q: What is the difference between ostomy and otomy?
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What suffix is a synonym for -otomy?


What is the difference between ectomy and otomy?

Both suffixes refer to surgical procedures, with "-ectomy" indicating the removal of a body part (e.g., tonsillectomy for removal of tonsils) and "-otomy" indicating an incision into a body part without necessarily removing it (e.g., tracheotomy for creating an opening in the windpipe).

What is difference between the sphincterotomy and sphincterectomy?

The suffix -otomy means cutting in to, not necessarily cutting out. The suffic -ectomy means cutting out. So a spincterotomy would be cutting into the spincter and a sphincterectomy would be removal of the sphincter

What is the medical terminology combining form meaning surgical creation of an artificial opening?

The medical terminology combining form for the surgical creation of an artificial opening is "otomy." Examples include tracheotomy (creation of an opening in the windpipe) or colostomy (creation of an opening in the colon).

What is the surgical procedure to create an opening between an organ and the body surface?


What is -ostomy?

Ostomy is a surgical procedure used to create an opening for urine and feces to be released from the body.

How many people have an ostomy?

there are 75,000 to 100,000 ostomy operations each year! That includes, ileostomies, colonostomies and uriostomies.

Where can you find ConvaTec ostomy supplies?

One may purchase ostomy supplies at Walgreens. Walgreens has a large selection of ostomy supplies at fair prices. Also, Walgreens are usually in a close proximity of people in need of ostomy supplies.

What is a surgical incision into the labyrinth of the inner ear?

Incision uses the suffix otomy.

What is the suffix that means to surgically break?

The suffix that means to surgically break is "-otomy."

Did Bob Hope have an ostomy?


What characteristics does a successful ostomy have?

Most ostomy pouches are inconspicuous and can be worn under almost any kind of clothing. There are typically no restrictions of activity, sport, or travel with an ostomy. Certain contact sports would warrant special protection.