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From "Usage and Abusage: A Guide to Good English" By Eric Partridge: Unmeasurable is preferred in the two literal senses 'incapable of being measured, on account of great size, extent or amount, in reference to material things, to dimensions, to time' as in 'The tower was of an unmeasurable height' and 'not admitting of - insusceptible of - measurement' as in 'The church is unmeasurable by foot-rule' (OED). But in the sense of 'too great for measurement, immense', immeasurable is preferrable, as in 'immeasuable ambition', 'the immeasurable grace of God.'

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Q: What is the difference between immeasurable and unmeasurable?
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If something is 'immeasurable', it cannot be measured.

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Can you giv a sentence with the word immeasurable in it?

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How do you say unsinkable in Spanish?

inunduble insumergible (Unmeasurable)

What is the meaning of- my adulation for you is unfathomable?

my adoration for you is limitless, or unmeasurable.

What is the root word of immeasurable?

The root word of "immeasurable" is "measure." The prefix "im-" is used to indicate a negation or reversal of the root word, thus giving "immeasurable" the meaning of not able to be measured.

What actors and actresses appeared in Immeasurable - 2007?

The cast of Immeasurable - 2007 includes: Jakob Cedergren as Inventor

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