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Straight (hetero): Attracted to the opposite sex/gender

Gay/Lesbian (homo): Attracted to the same sex/gender

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Q: What is the difference between homosexual and heterosexual?
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Related questions

What Is The difference between between heterosexual and same-sex relationships?

There is only one difference: heterosexual relationships are between members of the opposite sex, and homosexual relationships are between members of the same sex.

How do i talk to a guy gay question?

You talk to them the way you would speak with anyone. There is no real difference between one who is heterosexual and one who is homosexual aside from their individual proclivities.

Are heterosexual's straight?

Yes, that's the usual term. heterosexual = straight homosexual = gay

Why are guys homosexual?

Not all men are homosexual. There are many men who are bisexual, homosexual, heterosexual, pan-sexual etc.

What is a straight girl?

When referring to a straight girl you mean that she is heterosexual. If she is not heterosexual she may be considered homosexual or bisexual.

Do worms exhibit homosexual behavior?

Worms are hermaphroditic, so no, they do not exhibit homosexual behavior or heterosexual behavior.

What is the antonym for butcher?

2 senses of butchSense 1:butch, machoINDIRECT (VIA masculine) -> feminineSense 2:butchINDIRECT (VIA heterosexual, homosexual) -> bisexualINDIRECT (VIA homosexual, bisexual) -> heterosexual

Can one be heterosexual from gay?

There is no switching sexualities. If one is heterosexual, they will always be heterosexual. If one is homosexual, they will always be homosexual.

What is the difference between the lesbian urge to merge and a subservient heterosexual wife?

There is no correlation between same-sex sexual activity and being a subservient heterosexual housewife.

I like a boy because?

If you are female, it is because you are heterosexual. If you are male, it is because you are homosexual.

What do you mean by orientation?

whether someone is heterosexual (straight), homosexual (gay), or bisexual (bi)

Was john in the bible gay?

While historically it is impossible to determine with any certainty that John was homosexual or heterosexual, or indeed whether his name was actually "John", the answer is that he probably was heterosexual - with the caveats that a great deal of time has passed, historians have been selective in their reporting, and most importantly that concepts such as "heterosexual", "bisexual", and "homosexual" did not exist when he lived.