Hardstyle is more fast beats and harder stomps only if want it to be but some people do it soft style and still move fast, and hardstyle also rely's more on repetition on the running man and use the gliding effect left to right.
Hardstyle is a type of music, The dance is called the Melbourne Shuffle. if you want to lean to shuffle go to www.wedancehard.com [Hardstyle Republic - Resistance is Futile] they have video tutorials on basic steps, spins, kicks, hat tricks, everything you need to get yourelf to a pro level. Enjoy =]
Yes im in HSKR HardStyle Klowns Reborn this is a new Shuffleing Crew in NZ and we love shuffle
Hardstyle Republic is a shuffle dance group. Their motto is "Resistance is Futile". Hardstyle Republic has numerous supporters from all around the world.
There is no difference. I live in Melbourne so I call it just the shuffle. To someone who doesn't live in Melbourne it is the Melbourne shuffle.
shuffle makes it shuffle your songs and don't replay them and shuffle repeat shuffles the songs and can repeat songs
It is a 2-step dance, that is ussually danced along to a 120-160 Beats per minute song, such as Hardstyle, house, electro or rave music
If you mean by hardstyle the subgenre in electronic music, then yes.
QDance Radio Hardstyle Radio there are others but you will need to google those
No, Skrillex is dubstep
The place of origin is believed to be the Netherlands, where the first hardstyle events started near the end of 1999 and the beginning of 2000. One person accredited in the development of the style is Dana van Dreven.1 1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hardstyle
Qlimax is a hardstyle music event that takes place annually in the Netherlands. It is known for its intense production, laser light shows, and featuring some of the top hardstyle DJs in the world. The word itself combines "climax" with the letter Q, a common letter in hardstyle music branding.