green design is sustainability and sustainbility is what green design is .
The LEED AP distinction stands for a LEED certified Accredited Professional. LEED, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, is a green building rating system designed to rate buildings on sustainability.
Echo friendly design.
I'm really not sure. But another website to check could be http:/ Hope that helps you out =)
Renewable energy prevents green house effect, air pollution and climate change. It is achieving sustainability, energy and food security.
The language was originally called 'Green' but was renamed after Java coffee due to the large amounts of it consumed by the developers.
ionn know .
There is no difference. Both describe product design that considers the effects the life-cycle of the product to determine how to reduce environmental impacts (e.g. using renewable energy, using recycled materials).
The difference between the green and blue kyanite is their colors.
what is the difference between the green mamba and the cobra
Worms do not have legs
Hazel is a combination of green and brown.
The difference is the thickness and the type of paper covering the gypsum.
Inhabitat is a design and architecture website focused on sustainability and innovation in the built environment. They cover topics such as green building, renewable energy, and eco-friendly design solutions. Inhabitat aims to inspire people to live in a more environmentally conscious way.
The main difference between red and green coolant is the additives. The red has extra anti rust inhibitors useful in certain engines.
The main difference between green and black tea is how they are processed. Green tea is made from unoxidized leaves, while black tea is made from fully oxidized leaves. This difference in processing gives them distinct flavors and colors.
The color. :)
pls. be fast.....