Function can be mentioned as an action performed by a device, department or person that produces a result. It remains more or less fixed. On the other hand,objective may be referred to as something that one's effort or actions are intended to attain or accomplish.
Thus, there is a very thin line of difference between these two terms.
The objective of a water supply it to get water into houses. The function of the pipe it to carry that water and the function of a tap is to control the flow of the water.
We can access a Friend function from any other class in which friend function is introduced or declared even if the other class is not a member of first class. But when we use normal member function, we can have its access only in the derived classes of the first class. This is the basic difference between a friend function and a normal member function.
The print function is slightly more dynamic than the echo function by returning a value, and the echo function is slightly (very slightly) faster. The printf function inserts dynamic variables/whatever into wherever you want with special delimiters, such as %s, or %d. For example, printf('There is a difference between %s and %s', 'good', 'evil') would return 'There is a difference between good and evil'.
The linear function Z=c1x1+c2x2+c3x3+..........+cnxn which is to minimized or maximized is called Objective Function of general Linear Programming Problem.The innequalities of LPP are called constraints.
Function is what expected to be done to achieve a specific objective WHILES Importance is the benefits derived from something when it function.
Function is what expected to be done to achieve a specific objective WHILES Importance is the benefits derived from something when it function.
what is the difference between subjective and objective writing
what is the difference betwen objective and plan
The objective of a water supply it to get water into houses. The function of the pipe it to carry that water and the function of a tap is to control the flow of the water.
In optimization models, the formula for the objective function cell directly references decision variables cells. In complicated cases there may be intermediate calculations, and the logical relation between objective function and decision variables be indirect.
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scope is why to do and objective is how to do
An objective is a goal to be achieved. A strategy is a method of achieving this goal.
Objective is a statement that is completely unbiased. It is not touched by the speaker's previous experiences or tastes. It is verifiable by looking up facts or performing mathematical calculations. Read more: Difference Between Objective and Subjective | Difference Between | Objective vs Subjective
i wii expalin by example aim- my aim is to become a millionare objective- my objective is to sell this stock.