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Q: Difference between normal function inline function?
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We can access a Friend function from any other class in which friend function is introduced or declared even if the other class is not a member of first class. But when we use normal member function, we can have its access only in the derived classes of the first class. This is the basic difference between a friend function and a normal member function.

What happens if recursion function is declared inline?

An inline function replaces the call to the function by the body of the function, thus reducing the overhead of saving the context in stack. This is good for functions which are small in size and called occasionally. A recursive function calls an instance of itself and thus can be a deeply nested. Different compilers handle this differently. Some will inline it up to a certain depth and then call a non-inlined instance for further recursion; others will not inline the function at all and generate a normal function call.

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There are a number of differences. The scientific calculator has function like tables and memory to store calculation, while a normal calculator can only do the basic calculations.

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the difference between a micro pet and a normal pet is that a micro pet is a really small animal such as a micro pig and a normal animal is a animal just like a normal person normal size normal wight and that is the difference between a normal animal and a micro animal.

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The normal way a function works is that whenever your code encounters a call to the function, it jumps to the body of the function code. An inline function tells the compiler that it should actually copy over the code from a function body into all places where that function is called. In some cases this can cause a dramatic reduction in run time, but in others it causes nothing more than increasing the size of the produced executable. Function overloading refers to the ability to have multiple functions with the same name, but different parameter types.

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The difference between normal and average respiratory rate is simple. Normal is healthy and cannot change and average most certainly can change.

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