the difference between fresh water and potable water is fresh water can come form the ground, and/or, ice burgs.
Rain water is fresh water and does not have salt. Saltwater is not fresh and does have salt.
the difference between salt water and fresh water is that salt water is from the ocean and fresh water is water that hasn't gotten to the ocean and so the water is clean, And you can only drink fresh water not salt water
To be blunt, salt water has a lot more salinity than fresh water.
Salt water is a lighter density than fresh. The difference depends on the salinity of the water. This differs all over the world in different parts of the oceans and in salt water lakes.
The process of converting salt water to fresh water is called desalination and there is a lot of information on the subject. Mother nature turns salt water into fresh water everyday by evaporation of water from the oceans. Clouds, with water vapor, water droplets and ice crystals form from evaporation. Then, it rains or snows nearly pure water/ice. When humans artificially create pure water, the water is typically heated to drive the pure water off as water vapor and leave the salts behind. In chemistry, heating a liquid to vaporize it so that it condenses in a purer form is a process is called "distillation". Another process, more specifically for water, is reverse osmosis filtration through a series of differentially permeable membranes allowing pure water to pass while trapping salts and other impurities. When any process is used to remove salts from seawater, the process is called desalination.
Rain water is fresh water and does not have salt. Saltwater is not fresh and does have salt.
1. Raw water is simply water taken from the environment and could be fresh water, brackish water or saltwater.2. Fresh water is typically less than 1% sodium chloride.3. Brackish water is 1-2.5% sodium chloride.4. Saltwater is typically around 3.5% sodium chloride.5. Raw water requires treatment in order to become potable a.k.a. drinking water.
the difference between salt water and fresh water is that salt water is from the ocean and fresh water is water that hasn't gotten to the ocean and so the water is clean, And you can only drink fresh water not salt water
it has salt in it and flat water is fresh
To be blunt, salt water has a lot more salinity than fresh water.
Salt water is denser than fresh water. Thus, it is easier to float in salt water.
It is fresh until near the mouth where ocean water mixes with it, making it brackish.Yes though it becomes brackish near the ocean. It is silty and not potable to non-natives.
The water fountain had potable water
Hard water is potable (drinkable).
one lives in salt water and the other in fresh water.
Salt water is different because it is heavier than fresh water.