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Famous people are well known by all; household names; easily recognisable and often celebrated for a particular talent, skill or attribute; hence the term 'celebrity'. Although many famous people are also powerful on account of their wealth and respect one can be famous and very poor, disrespected, vulnerable or weak. For example gladiators and ancient Rome as well as many reality television celebrities have an abundance of fame but are looked down upon by the upper classes and certainly not seen as equals. Famous people can also be notorious like serial killers and terrorists; and if incarcirated having less power than the 'unfamous person'.

Powerful people however - or those in leadership can be equally famous, moderately famous or relatively unknown and very powerful because they have earned, been put into, been born into or sought a position of trust and governance over others. This can include the CEO of a company, the editor of a newspaper, a business owner, a politician or even a president or prime minister. Heads of educational institutions and health facilities also carry a viable degree of power in their leadership; but might be relatively unknown to the average person in the street.

In many ways too much fame directly diminishes one's power. You cannot earn respect, power and prestigue if everyone knows the secrets of your love life, you past addictions, conflicts and personal hostory. And the rich and powerful know this and covert their privacy.

In short fame is best describe by Mae West 'It is better to be look over; than over looked' where as power (and leadership which one could argue is one and the same - cynically speaking) is calling the shots.

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