a garment is some thing you wear (made out of fabric) and fabric is what the garment is made of
The basic difference between denim and non-denim jeans is as follows: Denim fabric's yarns are dyed before weaving the fabric. However, In Nondenims the greige yarns are woven and then greige fabric obtained is called RFD (ready for Dying), PFGD (Prepared for Garment dying) and Non denims. it could be any weave or twill.
A garment made from flimsy sheer or silky fabric that is worn with a peignoir might be a robe or a slip. Each of these items are worn with the peignoir.?æ
Fibers are what fabric is made out of. The fibers can be plant, as in cotton and linen or animal, as in wool, insect, as in silk or man made, as in nylon. For the manufacture of fabric the fiber is first spun into thread or yarn, and then woven into cloth.
When a jumper (sweater) is washed, it absorbs water which adds weight to the garment. The water molecules fill the spaces in the fabric, increasing the overall mass of the jumper. Additionally, wet fabric tends to cling closer to the body, giving the sensation of heaviness as it is worn.
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The fabric color difference: one same roll fabric have left, center, right color difference(incluing dark or light edge), back-to-face shading; one same batch fabric have color difference between roll and roll, piece and peice, and out of color sample(including the sample color and product color difference, contracted sample and product color difference). The garment color difference: one same garment, different part have different color, the same part have color difference betwwen up, down, left and right; one set garment have color difference between piece and piece; one same shipment, different carton have color difference, different piece have color difference. The garment color difference is because of the fabric color difference, if the fabric has fewer color difference problem, garment is the same, otherwise, the garment have more problems. But some fabric color difference problems can be overcomed or lower the serious degree in the garment production process, some problems are difficult to overcome, the only way is not to use these fabric. So, the relation of the fabric color difference and garment color difference is not a simple causal relationship, but complex internal relations. By YULONG FR tex
A lady's garment placket usually has the top layer of fabric on the left side, while a man's garment placket usually has the top layer of fabric on the right side. However, this is not always true, and there is nothing "wrong" with a garment if the opposite occurs.
The basic difference between denim and non-denim jeans is as follows: Denim fabric's yarns are dyed before weaving the fabric. However, In Nondenims the greige yarns are woven and then greige fabric obtained is called RFD (ready for Dying), PFGD (Prepared for Garment dying) and Non denims. it could be any weave or twill.
making finshing and designing on garment or fabric.
Apparel - usually means clothing or dress that covers or envelops Garment - also refers to an article of outer clothing or covering After passing this question past several English Professors at the University of Georgia, they all felt these two words could be considered synonyms. Answer :There is no difference between Garment , Apparel and Clothing .......Generally , fabric name vary according to the country ........... In USA finished fabric is called Apparel or RMG .... In UK , It's called Garment ...and....In Germany, It's called Clothing ...... [ Shareful Islam Palash]
garment is a product which is manufactured by fabric for protecting human body and decorated purpose.
convert any fabric to auseful article is known as garment construction.
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A garment is something you wear that is made from fabrics, like a skirt made from wool flannel.
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Industrial Detergent for Garment and Fabric Washing.