The basic difference between denim and non-denim jeans is as follows:
Denim fabric's yarns are dyed before weaving the fabric. However, In Nondenims the greige yarns are woven and then greige fabric obtained is called RFD (ready for Dying), PFGD (Prepared for Garment dying) and Non denims. it could be any weave or twill.
Unresponsive means unable to respond. Non Responsive means unwilling to respond
see the answer here:
Birla putty is washable and pop is non washable.
people who have never "made love" are called virgins. non virgins have never made love
You may occasionally find some jeans at Old Navy made from typical old-fashioned denim that is non-stretch. Stretch denim is very fashionable right now though so it may be difficult. Always check the tag or online description to be sure.
difference between a proposition and non proposition
Agriculture is farming and non-agriculture is non farming.
Difference between typing and non typing keys
Discuss the difference between managerial and non managerial tasks?
what is difference between operatyional and non operational communication
what is the difference between statutory audit and non statutory audit.
No difference.
What is the difference between formulary & non- formulary?
There really is not much of a difference between unofficial and non-official. They both mean non confirmed and non formal.
The difference between native and non-native species is that native species are from that area and non-native species are not from that area.
Purchasing non stretch jeans might be alittle harder to find than other types of jeans but you should be able to purchase non stretch jeans at any retail store.