There really is not much of a difference between unofficial and non-official. They both mean non confirmed and non formal.
diff between official wife and unofficial wife
Official statistics are statistics that some sort of governing body have signed off on. Unofficial statistics are stats on anything, they have not been approved for one reason or another.
Citizen, resident, or nonofficial. Those words are the opposite of police.
Citizen, resident, or nonofficial. Those words are the opposite of police.
An official high school transcript is a document issued by the school that is verified and sealed, usually used for college applications or job applications. An unofficial transcript is a copy of the student's academic record that is not verified or sealed, often used for personal reference or informal purposes.
when diplomacy becomes strangely unofficial......strangely.......STRANGELY UNOFFICIAL!
While it was abolished a long time ago, it still exists today in nonofficial forms.
Depending on the situation, High School guidance counselors my provide either official or nonofficial transcripts. In most cases, official transcripts are sent directly to an institution of higher learning, sealed with a mark or stamp stating the official nature of the transcript siting that a damaged seal would void the transcript as official.
Perphas, meaning of RULE & LAW is same but Law is official word where Rule is unofficial.
the battle at Lexington & Concord was between the british soldiers (redcoats) and the patriots(american colonists.)
the Eupatagus
This is just an unofficial estimate.