When you explain, you don't just write information - you also need to give reasons. In very basic terms you can think of the difference between informing and explaining.
The difference between genuine and original is very simple. Genuine is something that is real while original is the first of something.
Please visit the following sites for details explaining the difference between the two: http://archive.ncsa.illinois.edu/Cyberia/NumRel/GenRelativity.html http://archive.ncsa.illinois.edu/Cyberia/NumRel/SpecialRel.html
Can states something is able to be done. Will implies something is going to be done.
A law is a pattern of phenomena that are always found under specified conditions (i.e. something that always happens), while a theory is a well-supported and generally accepted statement explaining a series of observations. Sometimes a theory can lead to a law, such as Newtonian gravitation.
A representation in science is when you're supporting something and an interpretation is when you're telling somebody about results from something.
The difference between recount and retell is the method in which they were heard. Retelling involves describing something that was said. Recounting involves describing something in sequential order that was read.
"Difference" is a noun referring to the way in which two or more things are not the same. "Different" is an adjective describing how something is not the same as something else.
a diagram is an image or sketch explaining a scene or concept. a figure literally means"something other than words.
you should have listened to your teacher when she was explaining kiddo.
Deviation, variation.
The difference between can and cannot is that when you can do something, you are allowed to and may continue doing it but when you cannot do something it is the oppistie so you can not do something.
Misfortune is a state of being. Unfortunate is a word describing something negative. "His misfortune was brought on by an unfortunate situation".misfortune - unnecessary and unforeseen trouble resulting from an unfortunate event.
haven't got a clue!! Trying to find this question out myself!!
"Describe" involves explaining or providing details about something, often focusing on its characteristics, features, or qualities. "Evaluate," on the other hand, involves assessing the value, importance, or quality of something based on specific criteria or standards.
what is the difference between thrust and pressure?
Have is something you might get. And do is something like you will like it or something like that.
A parameter is a number describing something about a whole population. eg population mean or mode. A statistic is something that describes a sample (eg sample mean)and is used as an estimator for a population parameter. (because samples should represent populations!)