The difference between recount and retell is the method in which they were heard. Retelling involves describing something that was said. Recounting involves describing something in sequential order that was read.
When you recite something you simply speak it out loud, whether it is a poem or a speech or something else. Recounting something is recollecting out loud something that has actually happened to yourself.
I would like to recount the votes.
difference between as on and as at
To report is simply (1) to tell or in some circumstances (2) to show or to "appear". For example: 1. The manager instructed employees to report any incident of customers falling in the store. 2. John had to report to work by 5 a.m. on Saturdays. To recount is to tell, but with details. Example: Sally, the head cashier at the grocery store, recounted in her report what she saw of the customer's fall. Or... The victim recounted her activities just before being attacked, and told every detail she could recall of the incident.
The difference is 2,795.
Recount Text a text written to retell for information or entertainment. A fictional narrative recount may consist of scene-setting, a starting point, a problem, account and a conclusion. The language is descriptive, and there may be dialogue. Characters are defined and often named. A non-fiction recount may begin with a scene-setting introduction.
"Retell" means to narrate or recount a story or event in your own words, often with added details or a different perspective. It involves summarizing the main points or plot of a story in a coherent and engaging manner.
"Hakka" doesn't appear to be a Hebrew word. (حكى) Hakka is an Arabic word meaning "Recount" or "Retell" and proceeds a story like "Hakka ila an-nass hikayaat as-sahirin" (حكى إلى الناس حكايات الساحرين) which means "Recount for the people the stories of sorcerers.
there is no difference they are the same
I am going to retell this story.
At the moment there is a recount in progress, because the vote difference between Republican Tom Emmer and Democrat Mark Dayton. Dayton is ahead of Emmer by just 1,000 votes.
I demand a recount! Could you please recount your activities of today.
What is a liner recount
When you recite something you simply speak it out loud, whether it is a poem or a speech or something else. Recounting something is recollecting out loud something that has actually happened to yourself.
An election recount is typically needed if the vote is deemed close enough to warrant one. Usually, the condition for this is less than a difference of a percentage of the votes cast.