Measurement is simple but measuring width , length and liquid while counting is simple but counting numbers
The difference between centimeters and inches is that inches is in the standard measuring system and centimeters is part of the metric measuring system.
i dont know.hahahah..
measuring cups are used for measuring different liquids and mixing cups are for when you have some liquids that need to get mixed you mix them in it.
a straightedge need not have measuring increments (inches, centimeters, etc.) while a ruler is a straightedge with measuring increments
Nothing, except whole numbers include 0 (zero) while counting numbers start with 1 (one)
The difference between centimeters and inches is that inches is in the standard measuring system and centimeters is part of the metric measuring system.
Cytometry is the medical term meaning process of measuring or counting cells.
i dont know.hahahah..
You can measure the phase difference between 2 pendulums by measuring the distance between the two. The amount it comes out to will be the difference.
measuring cups are used for measuring different liquids and mixing cups are for when you have some liquids that need to get mixed you mix them in it.
a calibrated instrument for measuring the potential difference between two points.
The counting numbers are {1, 2, 3, ...}. The integers are the counting numbers, their opposites (-1, -2, ...) and zero. So they are {..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}.
The difference in pressure between absolute and gauge pressure.
a straightedge need not have measuring increments (inches, centimeters, etc.) while a ruler is a straightedge with measuring increments
Nothing, except whole numbers include 0 (zero) while counting numbers start with 1 (one)
That is the principle of a sextant.