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Clocks make noise... like alarms or chimes... watches are silent...

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Q: What is the difference between clock and watch?
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What is the difference between a watch and a clock?

The difference between a clock and a watch is a watch is worn on the wrist, and a clock is something around your home to look at to tell the time.

What is difference between Stop watch and stop clock?

the name

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What is the difference in the 12 hour clock and the 24 hour clock?

The difference between 12 hour clock and a 24 hour clock is that when you say 1:00am for a 12 hour clock you would say 0100 hours

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Atomic clock is faster than mechanical clock and it is the most accurate of all clocks in the world.

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register has the same clock. counter do not need to have the same clock.

What is the difference between an authentic watch and a casio watch?

there are difference maker with difference quality. you can go choose more different brand watch with cheap price!

Difference between Bus Clock and System Clock in Microcontrollers?

Bus Clock is based on the System Clock. In other terms Bus Clock is derived from system Clock. Bus Clock is usually half System Clock. (Busy Clock = System Clock / 2)

What is the difference between a wall clock and a mantle clock?

A mantle clock sits on your mantle and takes up much less space than a large wall clock mounted to the wall.

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the difference is that the wing is attached to the bussom of a bird and an airfoil is attached to the clock of the plane.

What are the differences and similarities between watches and clocks?

A clock and a watch both tell time, but that's a similarity. A difference is that one you look at mostly at home on the wall(not portable), the other you can take with you anywhere you go(portable).

What has hands but cannot clap?

A clock has hands but cannot clap.