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Calcium is a group 2 metal, with the symbol Ca, whereas fluorine is a halogen (group 7) and goes around in pairs (Fl2)

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Q: What is the difference between calcium and fluorine?
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What is the electron negativity difference between calcium and fluorine in calcium fluoride?

The Pauling electronegativity of calcium is 1,00.The Pauling electronegativity of fluorine is 3,98.

What type of bond will form between atoms of calcium (Ca) and fluorine (F)?

Ionic bond, as the difference in electronegativity between calcium and fluorine is over 1.7

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Is calcium more electronegative than fluorine?

Fluorine is more electronegative than calcium. The electronegativity of calcium is 1. The electronegativity of fluorine is 3.98.

What forms when calcium reacts with fluorine?

Calcium reacts with fluorine to form calcium fluoride (the symbol is CaF2).

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Fluorine's electronegativity is 3.98. The difference between two fluorine atoms is 0, so the bond between two fluorine atoms is nonpolar covalent.

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Calcium Pauling electronegativity is 1.Fluorine Pauling electronegativity is 4.The difference is 3.

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Learn the difference between an adverb and an adjective. Yes, fluorine is harmful.

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Two fluorine atoms. the formula of calcium fluoride is CaF2.

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CaF2, Calcium Fluoride. It is useful in iron smelting