An image is an optical representation of an object....
Object is real... while image is not... i thnk the word imaginary fits for image....
we can take example of our shadow... when light falls on us ( object ) it creates an image (shadow ) in the ground....
An object is a physical entity that occupies space and has mass, while an image is a visual representation or depiction of an object, often created using various mediums such as Photography, painting, or digital art. Objects exist in the physical world, whereas images exist as visual representations of objects.
Object space refers to the coordinate system in which an object's vertices and shapes are defined. Image space, on the other hand, refers to the coordinate system in which the final rendered image is created, mapping the object space to the 2D screen space by using projection and transformation matrices. Object space is typically 3D while image space is usually 2D.
Concave mirrors are used to give an erect and enlarged image of an object. The image formed is virtual, upright, and magnified when the object is placed between the focal point and the mirror's surface.
A shadow does not show the details of the object whereas an image shows the exact details of the object.A shadow is formed due to blocking of light by an opaque object, while the image is formed due to reflection from an opaque, smooth and shiny surface.A shadow is always dark while the image shows true colors of the object.
For a flat mirror, the object distance is equal to the image distance. This means that the image formed by a flat mirror is the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front of it.
If the image is upside up view of the given object than it is called Inverted Image. If it remains as the object than it is called Erect Image
A mirror image is a reflection that appears to be reversed left to right, while an object is a physical entity that exists in space. In a mirror image, the image appears as if you were looking at the object's reflection in a mirror.
An object refers to the physical thing being observed, while an image is a reproduction or representation of the object, typically in a visual form. The object exists in reality, while the image can be a reflection, photograph, drawing, or any other representation of the object.
image distance is the distance from the point of incidence on the mirror, the where the image is reflected to.object distance is the distance from the actual object being reflected to the point of incidence on the mirror where it's reflected as an image.
The image formed at the retina is always real and inverted but the brain interprets it as erect. the object you see will not be inverted.
This command looks for object edges, object edges or any edges are determined wit difference between neighboring pixels.
The distance between the object and mirror is 15 mm. The distance between the image and mirror is 15 mm. Therefore, the distance between the image and object is 15 mm plus 15 mm which equals 30 mm.
there is no difference. ;)
The distance between the image and the plane mirror is the same as the distance between the object and the mirror. Therefore, if the object is 15m away from the mirror, the image will also be 15m behind the mirror.
Object space refers to the coordinate system in which an object's vertices and shapes are defined. Image space, on the other hand, refers to the coordinate system in which the final rendered image is created, mapping the object space to the 2D screen space by using projection and transformation matrices. Object space is typically 3D while image space is usually 2D.
The image formed by a concave mirror when the object is placed between the focus and pole is virtual, upright, and magnified. This image appears on the same side as the object.
Magnification refers to the increase in apparent size of an object, while resolution is the ability to distinguish between two separate objects. Magnification is about making an object bigger, while resolution is about how clear and detailed the image is.