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If the image is upside up view of the given object than it is called Inverted Image. If it remains as the object than it is called Erect Image

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Q: What is difference between erect and inverted image?
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What is the difference between the image formed on the retina and the object being looked at other than the size?

The image formed at the retina is always real and inverted but the brain interprets it as erect. the object you see will not be inverted.

Why the eye interprets the image as erect when the image produced is real and inverted?

The interpretation of the image as erect by the eye is due to the brain's ability to process visual information. The brain has learned to associate specific visual cues with upright objects, allowing it to perceive the image as erect even if the image produced on the retina is inverted. This is known as visual perception and is a result of the brain's processing and interpretation of visual stimuli.

How will you distinguish between plane mirror convex mirror and concave mirror without touching?

You can identify a plane mirror by its flat reflective surface that produces a virtual, upright, and laterally inverted image. A convex mirror bulges outward and produces a smaller, upright, and virtual image. A concave mirror curves inward and can create a bigger, inverted, and real image. By observing the reflected image characteristics without touching the mirrors, you can distinguish between them.

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What is the difference between direct and indirect ophthalmoscope?

direct opthalmoscope:- 1. magnify 15 times 2.central retina only seen 3. virtual & erect image indirect ophthalmoscope:- 1. magnify 5 times 2. peripheral retina seen 3. real & inverted image

What is the difference between virtual and real?

real is were you see them and everything.. and virtual is a bad way to date because theirs perves,sickos,and so on!!

Why image on spoon one side is inverted and other side is erect?

because one side is concave and the other is convex

What do we mean by the image is erect?

When an image is said to be erect, it means that the image appears in its upright or natural orientation, the same way the object is positioned. This is typical for images produced by convex lenses and concave mirrors when the object is placed beyond their respective focal points.

Are virtual images always erect and real images always inverted?

No, virtual images can be either erect or inverted depending on the type of mirror or lens and the object's position relative to the focal point. Real images are always inverted due to the way light rays converge at the image point.

What are the 5 Properties of an image in a plane mirror?

Virtual: The image appears to be behind the mirror. Upright: The image is the same size and orientation as the object. Laterally inverted: The image is reversed left to right. Equal distance: The image is the same distance behind the mirror as the object is in front. Same size: The image is the same size as the object.

State four characteristics of the image formed in a plane mirror?

1.Image distance= object distance 2.Size of the image = size of the object 3.image is laterally inverted 4.Image is always virtual & erect

What type of image is produced by a converging lens on the screen?

A converging lens produces a real image on a screen when the object is placed beyond the lens's focal point. The image is inverted and can be larger or smaller, depending on the distance between the object and the lens.