You are born with a talent, It's something in you that you know you can achieve. An interest comes into play when you realize it's something you MIGHT achieve.
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What you learn from the film Amadeus about the difference between talent and genius is tha talent is more appreciated. Genious is sometimes looked down upon. Those with talent get treated better.
They're is a reasonable difference between talent and capability. Cabability is simply being able to do something, no matter how good or bad. If you have a talent for something, you're good at it.You're talented and capable.
interest is the part of riba.
A talent is something you're born with. A gift is something given to you, or developed later.
dnt kno
Skill is based on raw talent, whereas strategy is based on getting the most out of what talent you have
its called the spread
Talent is one of the gifts a person might be given. Beauty is another, and so is intelligence.