A nickname is an addition to or a substitute name for someone. For example, Jim may be called Jim Bob by family and friends or someone who was called peanut when they were small may go through life being called Peanut by those familiar with them.
An alias is another name. It is a false or assumed identity. For instance, Jonathan Meeks may assume a derivation of his name, John Meece, or even a totally different name, something like Charles Smith.
Pseudonym, nickname... title?..... Look it up in a thesauras.
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Edward Teach's alias or nickname was Blackbeard.
A another word for sobriquet is nickname
Another word for nickname could be: alias sobriquet moniker pseudonym pet name appellation
A card alias refers to an alternative name or nickname used to identify a credit or debit card.
Pseudonym, nickname... title?..... Look it up in a thesauras.
what is gamer Id
usuall Eli is the nickname for Elijah
It's the same award. 'OSCAR' is a nickname for it.
His birth name was Adelard Cunin; but most of his adult life he used the alias George Clarence Moran; his nickname was "Bugs"
The size (and value-range) of int is platform-dependent, whilst that of int32_t is fixed.