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accuracy is when you KNOW something and uncertancy is when your not sure

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Q: What is the difference between accuracy and uncertainty?
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Does percent uncertainty measure accuracy?

Accuracy STD on the other hand measures precision.

What is the difference between Quality and Accuracy?

accuracy is the how well it is done. Quality is what something is worth.

What is the difference between skepticism and bias?

Skepticism is uncertainty, while bias is prejudice.

What is the difference between error and uncertainty?

Error refers to the difference between a measured value and the true value, while uncertainty is a measure of the range within which the true value is likely to lie. Error quantifies the deviation from the true value, while uncertainty quantifies the level of confidence in the measurement.

What is the difference between accuracy and fixed width?

accuracy width can be changed but fixed width is a permanent one.

What is the uncertainty of a constant value?

It is the accuracy in the estimate of the constant or the effect of rounding.

What is the difference between risk and uncertainty?

First of all that is improper grammar. Second, uncertainty is not knowing or being sure of something. Risk is either a cool board game or doing something dangerous. doing something dangerous is taking a risk.

What is the difference between electronic and mechanical?

An electronic stopwatch gives a higher accuracy than a mechanical stop watch.

What is the difference between uncertainty and risk?

Uncertainty refers to a lack of knowledge or information about a situation, while risk involves the possibility of harm or loss. Uncertainty is about not knowing what might happen, while risk is about the potential negative outcomes that could occur.

What is the difference between reproducibility and accuracy?

Accuract is how accurate you are at somehting and rreproducibility is how reproducibility you are at something.

How does the uncertainty of a digital scale affect the accuracy of its measurements?

The uncertainty of a digital scale can affect the accuracy of its measurements by introducing potential errors or variations in the readings. This uncertainty can be caused by factors such as calibration issues, environmental conditions, or the quality of the scale itself. As a result, the measurements may not be as precise or reliable as expected, leading to inaccuracies in the recorded weights.

What is the uncertainty of a digital scale and how does it impact the accuracy of measurements?

The uncertainty of a digital scale refers to the range within which the true value of a measurement may lie. It impacts the accuracy of measurements by indicating the potential error or variation in the recorded values. A higher uncertainty means there is a greater margin of error in the measurements, leading to less precise results.