accuracy is the how well it is done. Quality is what something is worth.
accuracy is when you KNOW something and uncertancy is when your not sure
The article at the link below should help you get a handle on the subtle differences between accuracy and precision.
Accuracy is a measure of how close to an absolute standard a measurement is made, while precision is a measure of the resolution of the measurement. Accuracy is calibration, and inaccuracy is systematic error. Precision, again, is resolution, and is a source of random error.
Err means to go astray in thought or belief, error means a deviation from accuracy or correctness.
quantitive means amount, qualitative means quality or the integrity
accuracy is when you KNOW something and uncertancy is when your not sure
accuracy width can be changed but fixed width is a permanent one.
the difference between a quality and a skill is that a quality refects the person characteristics and lifestyle where as a skill represents their work and abilities
difference between inspection and quality control?
No. Quality and accuracy are incredibly important to scientists. If an experiment is not performed with quality and accuracy it is not valid. However, if accuracy is not especially important, possibly because the result will be the same, then it can be ignored.
An electronic stopwatch gives a higher accuracy than a mechanical stop watch.
Accuract is how accurate you are at somehting and rreproducibility is how reproducibility you are at something.
The Spelling ;)
percentage error is the difference from the actual value divided by actual value in 100,whereas subtracting the same value from one give u the percentage accuracy
"Quality is conformance to customer expectations""Reliability is quality over time"
There is not a quality difference. The only difference is that the premade dough does not need eggs and butter added to it.
An accurate answer to a question answers the question. The precision depends on the level of accuracy of the answer.