(a) In the case of the suspensive condition, being one which suspends the operational effect of one, or some, or all of the obligations under a contract until the conditions are fulfilled, the risk will not pass until the suspensive conditions have been fulfilled.
(b) The resolutive condition has a different effect. A sale subject to this type of condition will result in the risk passing as soon as formalities required for the completion of a sale agreement have been completed. The risk in conditional sales is as follows:-
• in the case of a sale subject to a suspensive condition, the risk of total loss remains with the seller until the condition is fulfilled (as indicated above the risk does not pass with ownership). The reason the risk remains with the seller is due to the effect that a suspensive condition suspends the whole sale and until such time as the condition is fulfilled, there is no sale, thus risk cannot pass;
• on the other hand, in the case of a sale subject to a resolutive condition, the risk of total loss passes to the buyer immediately the contract has been concluded. As indicated above, the sale operates immediately, with the result, that if the thing is destroyed before delivery, the buyer must nevertheless pay the price in full, for the risk has passed to the buyer.
A suspensive condition suspends the effects of an obligation until a specific event occurs, while a resolutive condition dissolves the effects of an existing obligation when a specific event occurs. In other words, a suspensive condition delays the enforceability of an obligation, whereas a resolutive condition terminates an obligation that is already in effect.
There must be a potential difference between the two points in the conductor in order to maintain a flow of charge. This potential difference creates an electric field that drives the charges to move from one point to another.
For electric charge to flow, there must be a potential difference (voltage) between two points in a conducting material. This difference in potential creates an electric field that exerts a force on the charges, causing them to move. Without a potential difference, charges will not flow.
A temperature difference between two objects or systems is necessary for the flow of heat. Heat flows from areas of higher temperature to areas of lower temperature until thermal equilibrium is reached.
The phase difference between two waves is directly proportional to the path difference between them. The phase difference is a measure of how much the wave has shifted along its oscillation cycle, while the path difference is a measure of the spatial separation between two points where the waves are evaluated.
For heat transfer to occur between objects, there must be a temperature difference between the objects. Heat always flows from the object at a higher temperature to the object at a lower temperature until thermal equilibrium is reached.
A suspensive time clause delays the occurrence of an action until a specific time or event happens, while a resolutive time clause specifies a time or event after which the action will end or be terminated. Suspensive time clauses create a condition for the action to take place, whereas resolutive time clauses set a deadline or endpoint for the action.
difference between nature of conditions and warranties
The difference is mainly in the way a compound condition is set out. A nested IF can be rewritten in terms of IFAND, and conversely.
is it g style
looping run condition contiously till a specific condition is true ,otherwise branching test condition at a time.
Elatic recoil.
A syndrome is a medical condition, and a symptom is something that is noticed that may be used to diagnose a medical condition.
Diverticulitis is an inflammation of the large intestine or colon. Diverticulosis is a condition that has similar symptoms but there is no inflammation.
Nothing. They are the same thing. A slave is the person. Slavery is the condition.
There are many differences, such as price, size, condition, and many more.
Extreme hypothermia
Well 'while' goes like this: while (condition) statement 'for': for (initialize; condition; after-each-loop) statement