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A suspensive time clause: is when the parties agree that the duty to perform is postponed until a determined or determinable date due to the pending event, and that this event is certain to happen. However, the exact date is unknown.

Example: A and B agree that A will pay a certain amount to B 90 days after C's death. (C's death is certain, but the exact date is uncertain. The duty to perform is then suspended until an uncertain, but determinable date)

A resolutive time clause: is when the parties agree that the obligations in the contract will be terminated upon a certain future time. This exact time is certain to happen, but the exact date is unkown.

Example: A and B agree to perform the obligations within the contract until B's death. Upon B's death, the contract is terminated. The event of B's death is certain, but the exact date is unknown.

Both must be mentioned within the contract upon conclusion in the contract.

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10mo ago

A suspensive time clause delays the occurrence of an action until a specific time or event happens, while a resolutive time clause specifies a time or event after which the action will end or be terminated. Suspensive time clauses create a condition for the action to take place, whereas resolutive time clauses set a deadline or endpoint for the action.

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How do you use fugitive slave clause in a sentence?

The Fugitive Slave Clause was a provision in the US Constitution that required the return of escaped slaves to their owners. An example sentence could be: The Fugitive Slave Clause increased tensions between northern and southern states over the issue of slavery.

Ask us is the difference between total and selective incorporation?

Total incorporation is the legal doctrine which holds that the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause incorporates all of the protections in the Bill of Rights against the states. Selective incorporation, on the other hand, is the legal doctrine which holds that the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause incorporates only certain fundamental protections in the Bill of Rights against the states.


A subordinating conjunction is a word that connects a dependent clause to an independent clause in a sentence. It shows the relationship between the two clauses, such as cause and effect, time sequence, or contrast. Examples include "if", "because", "while", and "although".

What is a clause that modifies a will?

A residuary clause in a will specifies how any remaining assets should be distributed after all specific bequests and debts have been settled.

What is an elliptical clause?

An elliptical clause is a type of clause in which words or phrases are omitted because they can be understood from context. This omission makes the sentence more concise. Elliptical clauses are common in spoken language and informal writing.

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The difference between the independent clause and the dependent clause is: "dependent clause" has a complete thought like for example "the catcher missed the ball" it expresses who missed the ball (the catcher)."independent clause" has no complete thought like for example "the movie idol" it cannot express who is the movie idol.

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The difference between the independent clause and the dependent clause is: "dependent clause" has a complete thought like for example "the catcher missed the ball" it expresses who missed the ball (the catcher)."independent clause" has no complete thought like for example "the movie idol" it cannot express who is the movie idol.

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