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i dont think there is a difference

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Q: What is the difference between a mole and beauty mark?
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How is a mole different from a beauty mark and how can you tell?

A mole is a pigmented spot on the skin that is made up of a cluster of pigment-producing cells, while a beauty mark is a term often used to describe a mole that is considered aesthetically pleasing or enhancing. Moles can vary in size, shape, and color, and some may have hair growth. To distinguish between the two, consider factors such as symmetry, borders, color consistency, and changes over time - consult a dermatologist for a professional evaluation.

Is mark a mole?

No, Mark is not a mole.

What is the difference between a mole and a badger?

Badgers belong to the family Mustelidae and the groundhog, also known as the woodchuck or whistlepig, is a rodent of the family Sciuridae

How do you get Copy Cat's beauty markmole in Poptropica?

You find her, then click on the shirt button on the upper right hand corner, then click on Copy Cat. Then you click her beauty mark/ mole until you have it.

When was Mark of the Mole created?

Mark of the Mole was created in 1979-10.

What happends when you pierced a beauty mark?

You never pierce a mole or a "beauty mark" these can turn from being a simple skin growth to a cancerous lesion. Anything involving skin growths should be discussed with your doctor before having or doing something the growth.

If you have beauty marks does that mean you are beautiful?

A beauty mark or beauty spot is a dark facial mole, so named because such moles have at times been considered an attractive feature. For a mole to be considered a "beauty mark" it is generally less than a centimeter across,False beauty marks are sometimes applied to the face as a form of make-up. Beauty marks were particularly highly regarded during the eighteenth century and creating false ones became common

What happens if you get a pimple under a beauty mark pop it and a scab forms over the beauty mark and when peeled off the beauty mark goes away with it?

i once picked at my mole and it bled and and i thought it went away, but it somehow grew back. so my assumption is that unless you completely got rid of the beauty mark (i think only a professional can do that and i dont recommend it cause you might leave a scar) its not very likely that the beauty mark will go away. im sorry. but you can get it removed really easily and it doesnt cost too much if you just have it cut off.

What is the difference between a mol and a mole in chemistry?

In chemistry, a "mol" is a unit of measurement for amount of substance, while a "mole" is a small burrowing mammal.

What is nunal in English?

"Nunal" translates to "mole" or "beauty mark" in English. It refers to a small, dark spot on the skin.

Does Talent agents care if you have like moles or beauty mark on your body would they get mad or something because I have a mole under my arm?

Talent agents would not care if you have a mole under your arm. Cindy Crawford made moles on your face famous.

What is the little black dot on your face called?

The little black dot on your face is called a beauty mark or a mole. It is a type of pigmented skin lesion that can vary in size and shape.