No. Beauty marks are moles and they should not be pierced, this can lead to scar carsanoma and other nasty things. leave it alone.
yes he has his left nipple pierced
beauty mark (:
doesnt matter !Answer Bgetting nose pierced is not permitted in Islam unless it is usuall as beauty of women in the local culture.
at beauty mart and no I wasn't scared when I had my ears pieced and it did hurt
You can't
yes, they leave a small dimple where the piercing was. it will be there the rest of your life, but wont be very noticeable if it was done when your young, if pierced when your older it will leave a larger mark, simply because the skin isn't as elastic.
it usually scabs over and scars.
i once picked at my mole and it bled and and i thought it went away, but it somehow grew back. so my assumption is that unless you completely got rid of the beauty mark (i think only a professional can do that and i dont recommend it cause you might leave a scar) its not very likely that the beauty mark will go away. im sorry. but you can get it removed really easily and it doesnt cost too much if you just have it cut off.
Yes on his chin(2)
Not exactly. It is believed to be a sign of beauty, but it doesn't exactly make everyone pretty.
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