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In case of dispute of right the bargaining council of CCMA will concider whether the dispute concerns the application or interpretation of existing right and whether the dispute is about the enforcement of a right in terms of a contract of employment

A dispute of interest relates to proposals for the creation of new rights and is merely about remuneration. Such disputes relate to the new or better terms and conditions of employment and remuneration

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Q: What is the difference between a dispute of rights and dispute of interest?
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Difference between dispute of right and dispute of interest?

Dispute of rights occur when there is a voilation of an actuall entitle or obligation as set out in contracts of employment, collective agreements, or in the various oieces of legislation, as well as regulation governing the employment relationship. Whiles dispute of interest might arise when a party to the employment relationship feels that they should be , but not yet, entitled to something.should entitkement arise, however, after subsequent negotiations, then the interest becomes a right.

Explain differences between dispute of interest and dispute of rights?

"Disputes of right", is where people or groups are entitled by law, by contract, by previous agreement or by established practice to certain rights. Disputes of right will focus on conflict issues such as employment contracts, legally enforceable matters or unilateral changes in accepted or customary practices. A dispute of rights is, therefore, usually settled by legal decision or arbitration and not by negotiation. whereas "Disputes of interest", is where the conflict may be a matter of opinion, such as where a person or group is entitled to some resources or privileges (such as access to property, better working conditions, etc). Because there is no established law or right, a dispute of interest will usually be solved through collective bargaining or negotiation. by T.Musenyereki (Zimbabwe)

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Why hasn't the 1960's batman series been put on DVD?

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What is the difference between Rights arbitration and interest arbitration?

Rights Arbitration - This term is used in the context of disputes arising out of existing agreements. Therefore, rights arbitration involves interpretation of existing contract terms.Interest Arbitration - This term is used when disputes arise and there is no agreement.As per the book - Labor Relations and Collective Bargaining by Carrell and Heavrin (7th Edition, Prentice Hall), Rights arbitration is found in almost every labor agreement today and is used far more today than interest arbitration. Because interest arbitration tends to have a broader scope than rights arbitration, many unresolved issues are present in interest arbitration.

What is the difference between political party and interest group?

The difference is that a political party is part of how a politician is identified and interest groups are groups that focus specifically on certain issues. Depending on the issue interest groups tend to support a political party. For instance the NRA which is for less strict gun control laws associates themselves with the Republican Party. An interest group that is supportive of equal rights for all Americans would associate with the Democrat Party.