When it comes to taking courses in College or University; co-requisite (courses) means that you can take it together with another course; prerequisite means that you have to take the classes and pass before taking any other courses.
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prerequisite is required
If you look at the Biology 220 course description in the catalog (which you can probably view online) it will indicate at the end of the description any prerequisites required. If the Biology 110 is indicated as a prerequisite then you cannot take them concurrently. If it indicates the Biology 110 as a corequisite or not indicated at all, then you can. OK, I looked it up for you. The Biol 110 is a prerequisite for the Biol 220. Thus, you cannot take them together.
A "corequisite" is a term used in education to describe a course or requirement that must be completed concurrently with another course. In other words, it's a course that you need to take at the same time as another course because they are closely related or necessary to support each other.
prerequisite or requisite
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Prerequisite means something that has to be done before something else can occur. Algebra is a prerequisite class to take geometry.
difference between as on and as at
Bronze medallion is the first step to become a certified lifeguard. National Lifeguard Service is the last step and requirement to becoming a certified lifeguard. The prerequisite needed for NLS are Bronze Cross and standard first aid.
If you plan on building a wall, a supply of bricks is a prerequisite.
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You can as long as you have completed all the prerequisite coursework required by the school.You can as long as you have completed all the prerequisite coursework required by the school.You can as long as you have completed all the prerequisite coursework required by the school.You can as long as you have completed all the prerequisite coursework required by the school.You can as long as you have completed all the prerequisite coursework required by the school.You can as long as you have completed all the prerequisite coursework required by the school.