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An attached garage is attached to a structure (such as home) by a common wall or shared wall with another attached structure such as a covered porch, deck or breezeway. A built-in garage is contained within the structures footprint, and typically has living area over it that is accessible from within the main structure. where an attached garage has no living area over it. If an attached garage has area over it that is used for an office, living, storage, etc., it is not accessible from within the main structure or home. If it is, it's a built-in garage.

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Q: What is the difference between a built in garage and attached garage?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a built-in garage and an attached garage?

A built in garage has living space above it. An attached garage has no living space above.

When was the first attached garage built?

It is hard to say when the first attached garage was built, but a house with an attached garage was featured in Country Lifemagazine in 1941.

What is the difference between a regular garage and a premier garage?

The difference between a regular garage and a premier is relatively the location and the size. A regular garage is usually attached to the house that one lives in, stores one's car, and can be opened and closed automatically. A premier garage is normally bigger than that of a regular garage and is built off of the house. It is mainly used for things other than car storage. For example, a game room or other types of storage.

Garage Builders?

form_title=Garage Builders form_header=Protect your vehicles with an at-home garage! Get a professional to assist you in the building and installing of a garage. Do you currently have a garage? = () Yes () No () Unsure Would you like your garage attached or detached to your home? = {(),Attached,Detached,Unsure} What size garage would you like built? =_ Desired Completion Date.=_

Can you have an entry door from your attached garage into your home with a built in screen?

No. Should be a fire door, at the least it should discourage air movement from garage into house.

What is the difference between the words build and built?

The difference between build and built is that build is the present tense (or if you make it to build, the infinitive tense) and built is the past tense.

Is a garage inside or outside?

Well the first question you need to ask yourself is: what makes something inside and what makes something outside...The actuall building would be outside but the inside of inside...but it depends if you have a built in garage or one that is not attached to your house, one attached to a house would be inside

When was garage door opener 139.53635SRT built?

My one of these says it was built in 1993 (and installed in 1996), although I'm not sure the dates it was manufactured between.

What is the difference between a dishwasher built in an a dishwasher under the cabinet?

There really is no difference

What is the difference between natural and built structures?

the difference is that natural forces are forces that are created by the enviorment and built structures are not they are built by people #if you bleave in god he will tell you

What is the difference between a car built for speed and one built for distance?

one is faster, one is longer.

What did Steve jobs an Steve Wozniak name the computer build in a garage?

It was not built in a garage. It was built in Steve Wozniak's bedroom and it was called the Apple 1.