AK-47 is an assault rifle with larger rounds, excellent range, medium firing rate and fairly accurate; the AK-74u is an SMG (sub machine gun) that is really a smaller version of the AK-74 assault rifle, and has a high to medium fire rate, adequate range, and usually not used for accuracy.
m14 or mp5k ,ak47,ak74u, famas,galil,and/or AUG
yes the ak74 fires a 5.56x45 round the ak47 fires a 7.62x39 round
Kalashnikov does not make airsoft guns, he designed the firearm they are based off of. the 'k' in "AK47" is for Kalasnikov.
The AK47 was made in caliber 7.62x39. The AK74 was designed much later, and uses the 5.45x39 cartridge.
The AK-74 and AK-47 are both assault rifles that look identical, but the only difference is that the AK-74 is newer and uses different cartridges (ammunition).
The AK74u cannot be unlocked for the US team. I know there are some weapons including the RPK, and a few others that can be unlocked for opposing teams, But I don't think the AK74u is one of them.
when leveling up, start bu getting the famas, next the ak74u rapid fire, then the galil, next the aug bar, then the mpl, next the ak47, and lastly stick with the commando until u level up
No it won't but it will have the ak74U
You get more maximum ammo when you upgrade the gun. The ak74u usually has 20 ammo, and gets 40 when its upgraded.
Grip and silencer