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yes the ak74 fires a 5.56x45 round the ak47 fires a 7.62x39 round

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Q: Is there any difference between AK47 and AK74 recevier?
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Does an ak47 and an ak74 us the same ammo?

No. The AK47/AKM use the 7.62x39 M1943 cartridge. The ammo used by the AK74 is 5.45x39.5.

What is the difference between the Ak-47 and the AK-74?

The AK47 was made in caliber 7.62x39. The AK74 was designed much later, and uses the 5.45x39 cartridge.

What is the difference between an ak47 and ak74?

The AK-74 and AK-47 are both assault rifles that look identical, but the only difference is that the AK-74 is newer and uses different cartridges (ammunition).

Is a ak74 better than a ak47 on black ops?

The ak74 is deffinetaly the better choice better rate of fire and better accuracy. However 1 bullet of the ak47 does more damage than 1 bullet of the ak74. So ak47 is mainly for hitpoints and ak 74 is better for fire rate and accuracy.

How many yards can an ak47 bullet go?

it is 300-400 yards. AK74 is 500 yards

Do ak47 airsoft clips fit in ak74 airsoft gun?

if the clip or mag is labeled airsoft it will fit a real ak mag wont fit

Is ak74 bigger than ak47?

neither gun is bigger just the bullets are bigger...The AK-47 has7.62x39mm round.The AK-74has the 5.45x39mm round.

Can ak47 penetrate walls?

ak74 don't penetrate walls.this happens if only the wall is weak,wearing out,old or not a real wall.walls are usually hard and thick.the bullet is capable of boring holes in the wall not making it porous just like the ak47.

What is the best sub machine gun in call of duty black ops?

I would have to say....... the ak74-u (ak47-u idk if its 47 or 74) with grip and suppresor

Is the a k47 still in service In the Russian army?

The Russian Army nowadays use mostly ak74 and ak103. They have a 5,45 caliber, as far as I remember. ak47 is also used but very rarely

Is the ak74 airsoft rifle automatic?

Depends if you buy an aeg or not. Although I don't believe they even manufacture spring AK47s. There is no set AK47 brand. there is at least one thousand different AK47s.

What assault rifle is the best?

First, you will have to define what makes a rifle "best". The AK47 is the most common, but was replaced by the AK74 using a new cartridge. The M16 is newer than the AK47, but has longer range and better accuracy. FN, Galil, Steyr and dozens of other firms make very good rifles. There will always be different opinions, and no one answer.