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Intrasexual is where the males of the species fight over food, land, or women. Intersexual is how well one female or male looks.

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Q: What is the difference between Intersexual and Intrasexual selection?
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What is sexual selection a form of?

Sexual selection is a concept that can be considered a subset of natural selection. In sexual selection, only the traits that lead to mating success will be passed on to the next generation. In other words, only the males with certain characteristics (most often strength and physical attractiveness) will have the opportunity to mate with the females and pass on their genetic information. Certain males are chosen by the females if they are considered to have superior genetic characteristics that will ensure optimal fitness for their offspring. Thus, the weak or unattractive males will not be able to reproduce. Mating rituals vary throughout the animal species, but they often include competition between the males and physical displays. Sometimes, in social animals who live in groups, the alpha male who has proven himself to be superior to the other males of the group will be the only one who is allowed to mate with the females. Sexual selection has resulted in the physical dimorphism between males and females of many species. Males sometimes have larger, more exaggerated, or more colorful physical characteristics, in order to impress the females or for use in mating competitions. A prime example of sexual selection is found in the peafowl. Only the male peacocks have the bright, blue-green plumage that is used to attract female mates. Female peahens have no use for them, so they are a dull brown or grey color.

What is the difference between the processes of natural selection and artificial selection?

the difference between the 2 r that natural is the best looking or tasting and artificial is fake

What is the difference between choice and selection?

A choice is what you make from an available selection. A selection defines available choices.

Difference between the Selection tool and the Direct Selection tool?

selection tool for selecting total object direct selection tool for selecting separate points in object.

What is the main difference between natural selection and genetic drift?

The main difference to remember is that natural selection is a nonrandom process while genetic drift is a random process.

What is difference between selection and projection operation?

Projection is from which columns the result should come... Selection means selecting perticular row.

Is artificial selection and natural selection the same at the molecular level?

Technically, yes, but only because they are using virtually the same processes, the only real difference between the two, is like the difference between choosing your own mate and having someone choose your mate for you.

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The difference between these two is that, the Check Box offers a multiple selection of options while Radio Box( option Box) is for the selection of only one option.

What is the difference between sexual and natural selection?

Natural selection is survival of the fittest, while sexual selection is a preference for a given trait made by the limiting sex. It is strangely, but usually in opposition to natural selection (E.G., male peacock's tail feathers that garner attention from predators and prevent the peacock from fleeing well).

What is the difference between decision and desire?

A decision is a selection between two or more things or actions. A desire is thing you want or an action you want to take.

What is the difference between artificial selection and natural selections?

natural selection occurs due to natural phenomena (e.g. changes in diet or predators).artificial selection occurs due to human generated phenomena (e.g. breeding or domestication).