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selection tool for selecting total object

direct selection tool for selecting separate points in object.

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Q: Difference between the Selection tool and the Direct Selection tool?
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What is the difference between the selection tool and the direct selection tool in Adobe Illustrator?

There are some fundamental differences between painting and drawing. Although somewhat similar (they share some of the same tools and tool functions), painting and drawing have different functions. Whereas objects in drawing can be edited on an “whole object by whole object” basis, objects in painting can be changed and moved on a pixel by pixel basis.

What is the difference between quick selection tool and magic wand tool?

Basically there are no big difference, both tools work by selecting similar colors. Main difference is that Quick selection tool detects automatically edges based on similarity with color you clicked first and Magic Wand is selecting contiguous (adjacent) or non contiguous colors based on similarity of colors and settings chosen in Options bar (tool settings appears below menus for almost every tool when is active).

In Adobe InDesign what is the position tool used for?

The Position tool is a combo Selection/Direct Selection tool specifically for images and their frames. When you click with it on an image frame, it acts like the Selection tool, allowing you to drag on the frame handles to crop the image, or Command/Ctrl-Shift-drag to scale the image and its frame. When you click inside the image, it acts like the Direct Selection tool, letting you move the image around within the frame or scale it without affecting the frame. Another neat feature of the Position tool is that it "doesn't speak Group," so it's impossible to inadvertently modify other objects in a grouped selection while you're working on an image in that group.

Is there drag tool in Photoshop cs5.1?

There isn't drag tool in any Photoshop version. To move things around you can use Move Tool or Path and Direct Selection tools to move paths and shapes.

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a tool is used by hands and machines aren't

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What are the four selection tools in photo shop?

Answer Below are the few of selection tools in photo shop Selection Tool Key board Shortcuts Moov Tool V Marquee Tool M Lesso Tool L Magic Wand Tool W Pen Tool P Path Selection Tool A Hope this help

What are the keyboard shortcuts for the selection tool and the direct tool in Photoshop?

Selection tools in Photoshop: Marquee Tools (M), Lasso Tools (L), Magic Wand and Quick selection (W). You can also select color from image as foreground or background color with Eyedropper Tool (I). Navigate with mouse above any tool in Photoshop and you will see tooltip with keyboard shortcut for that tool in parentheses.

What is difference between Hermetic Rotary Compressor?

this tool is not available

What is the difference between tool and die?

the tool is a divice which are fit to the die and get the final shape which are requred of the component

What does a quick selection tool do in photoshop?

Quick Selection Tool creates selections by automaticaly detecting edges based on color and texture similarity of surounding pixels with clicked point. You can click or click and drag to create selection with Quick Selection Tool.