GUI is a Graphical User Interface, which is for making "Windowed" Applications.
The CLI is a Command-Line Interface, which is a text prompt in which you can enter specific commands to be executed.
If the operating system is linux open a terminal or ssh to the server and type: (as root) which php-cli or which php5-cli if nothing is ouputted it can't find it, then check if you've got it installed. Debian based distro's: apt-get install php5-cli hope this helps.
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Not much similarity, however from GUI you can do anything which can be done by CLI.. This is not possible with CLI to do as GUI..
CLI is Command Line Interface GUI is Graphical User Interface CLI - You type commands into a prompt and the computer executes them. GUI - You use a graphical interface and make selections with the mouse and the computer executes them. CLI example: MS-DOS GUI example: MS Windows XP
Cursor Positioning commands mainly used in CLI and Display Adjusting commands mainly used in GUI..
The difference between graphic user interface and character user interface are its command. GUI does not need any type of command to interact with the computer, while CUI needs commands in order to interact with the computer.
cli ,mdi,gui
the difference between the gui & console are ,in the gui we can use the mouse pointer and console screen only we have to used the character. from anknush
Windows has a GUI and CLI. You use the GUI pretty much all the time. Dump the windows and get a Linux install, try ubuntu and get used to using the well structured CLI. The GUI will make more sense then in general.
gui and cli
Cli gui
The command line interface is just a type of GUI (Graphical User Interface) ie. windows 2000, xp, vista, 7. They all look different because of the different GUIs. CLI(Command Line Interface) is more advanced, beginner users may struggle to use a CLI GUI(Graphical User Interface) is more user friendly with graphics allowing mouse clicks etc. CLI uses less computer resources due to being a simple command line so has its advantages over GUI. GUI hogs more computer resources due to graphics etc. CLI can be used to do more advanced commands and do alot of very technical processes. GUI is very secure and offers users the things they need in plain site, point and click.